Aggie Ingeniero, September 2021





Our college leadership has been engaged in discussions on recruitment and retention trends over the past few years for all of our programs. We have used several tools in these discussions including curricular analytics; GrayDataSM, which provides information on student demand, competition, job opportunities, and other important environmental and market factors; and student performance in our programs (DFW rates). It is clear that some of our programs would benefit more by focusing on student retention than on new recruitments. A few courses are contributing to majority of our student dropouts. Also, flow charts of some of our programs reveal bottlenecks that are making it difficult for students to navigate through their curricula. In general, professional master’s programs could use greater focus in almost all of our departments. The three broad tactics our leadership came up with are: i) reduce curricular complexity by changing course sequencing, etc., ii) strategic deployment of faculty resources and Eloy Torrez Family Learning Communities resources to improve student success in key engineering entry-level and transition courses, and iii) effective communication and marketing of professional master’s programs. Specific action plans are developed for each of these tactics. We look forward to sharing our progress in the coming semesters with all of our constituencies.


Lakshmi N. Reddi


Remembering mechanical engineering professor Igor Sevostianov

The College of Engineering recently lost a highly valued faculty member with the untimely death of Igor Sevostianov. A memorial was held Sept. 3. Sevostianov, professor in New Mexico State University’s Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, has received a 2021-2022 Fulbright Faculty Fellowship award. With funding from the U.S. Department of State-sponsored award, Sevostianov will spend the spring 2022 semester in Sofia, Bulgaria, working with colleagues from the Institute of Mechanics at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. Read More




Civil engineering assistant professor receives prestigious NSF CAREER award

Researching an unusual primate from Madagascar landed Ehsan Dehghan-Niri, assistant professor in the Department of Civil Engineering at New Mexico State University, the 2021 National Science Foundation Faculty Early Career Development award. Read More




Smart Robot Bed prototype earns recognition for NMSU engineering team

A team of New Mexico State University engineering students have won accolades for their A team of New Mexico State University engineering students have won accolades for their design and prototype of the Smart Robot Bed, a device that can assist elderly and bedridden people regain some sense of independence as well as caregivers. Read More





NMSU, AgSprint client receive grant to help control wild horse population

Throughout the United States, wild horses still roam through the wide-open spaces. While they may be wild and free, they come at a cost to taxpayers, as much as $1 billion from 2019 to 2023, according to the U.S. Bureau of Land Management. Read More





Newsmakers 1318 – Physical Science Laboratory 75th Anniversary

PSL, the Physical Science Laboratory at New Mexico State University, is celebrating its 75th anniversary. Fred Martino talks with PSL Director Eric Sanchez and PSL retiree Bernie McCune. See Video








NMSU engineering professor receives NASA MUREP Space Technology Artemis Research Implementation grant

A new grant at New Mexico State University will help foster a research capacity at MSIs and be more competitive for research funding. Douglas Cortes, NMSU civil engineering associate professor, has received a two-year, nearly $500,000 grant from NASA’s University Research and Education Projects (MUREP). Read More





Nexus program taps into NMSU expertise to solve food, energy and water challenges

A new food, energy and water nexus program launched by the Center of Excellence in Sustainable Food and Agricultural Systems at New Mexico State University’s College of Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences will bring together researchers from across the NMSU campus to find solutions to problems found across the state. Read More



Aggie Ingeniero is produced by the New Mexico State University College of Engineering.