College of Engineering faculty pursue external funding of their research. Below is a list of the College's research grants and contracts for 2018.
Current Research Grants and Contracts
11/25/2018 Satish Ranade (Electrical Engineering), "Advance Power Electronics for Grid Storage", Sandia National Laboratories, $43,126
11/6/2018 Phillip De Leon (Electrical Engineering) and Steven Sandoval (Electrical Engineering), "Instantaneous Spectral Analysis for Identification and Classification of Bursty Data in Congested Frequency Bands", Sandia National Laboratories, $162,690
11/1/2018, Krishna Kota (Mechanical Engineering) and Surada Kuravi Kota (Mechanical Engineering), "EAGER: Pool Boiling of Water on A Binary Surface", National Science Foundation, $70,000
10/24/2018 Satish Ranade (Electrical Engineering), "LDRD Project", Sandia National Laboratories, $93,994
10/18/2018 Hongmei Luo (Chemical and Materials Engineering)"Metal Oxide Thin Films via Polymer Assisted Deposition" National Renewable Energy Laboratory, $60,000
10/1/2018 Laura Boucheron Spence (Electrical Engineering) "Streak Detection in Sky Images Using Deep Learning" TAU Technologies, $247,998
10/1/2018 Charalambos Papelis (Civil Engineering) "US Army Mentor Protégé Program" AGEISS, $56,765
10/1/2018 Patricia Sullivan (Engineering College) and David Rockstraw (Chemical and Materials Engineering), "Pollution Prevention and Energy Efficiency Technical Assistance", EPA, $141,461
10/1/2018 Patricia Sullivan (Engineering College), "Providing Technical Assistance to Grocery Stores in Rural New Mexico to Reduce their Operating Costs", USDA, $37,000
10/1/2018 Abdessattar Abdelkefi (Mechanical Engineering), "Sizing Process and Investigations on the Integration of Space Fixed Wing Drones to Rivers in Mars, Environment", $29,990
10/1/2018 Abdessattar Abdelkefi (Mechanical Engineering), "NonLinear Dimensional Reduction and Video Measurement Characterization of Dynamical Systems", New Mexico Consortium Inc., $29,718
9/1/2018 Delia Valles-Rosales (Industrial Engineering) and Young Park (Mechanical Engineering), "ALFA-lot Alliance for Smart Agriculture in the Internet of Things Era", UTEP, $70,000
9/1/2018 Sonya Cooper (Engineering Technology) "Resource Hub: The NSF National Resource Hub for STEM Education at HSI's" National Science Foundation, $143,750
9/30/18 Steven Stochaj (Klipsch School of Electrical and Computer Engineering), "Enhancing Research in the Solar-Terrestrial Environment at New Mexico State University", US Army/Army Research Office, $399,767
9/30/18 Steven Stochaj (Klipsch School of Electrical and Computer Engineering), "Enhancing Research in the Solar-Terrestrial Environment at New Mexico State University", US Army/Army Research Office, $199,884
9/28/18 David Jauregui (Civil Engineering), "2016 Bridge Inspection Program for New Mexico", New Mexico Department of Transportation, $19,800
9/20/18 Paul Furth (Klipsch School of Electrical and Computer Engineering), "Supervisory Circuit", Sandia National Laboratories, $94,000
9/19/18 Meng Zhou (Chemical and Materials Engineering), "RII Track-4: Novel Metal Oxides for Hydrogen Production Through High Temperature Steam Electrolysis", Batelle Energy Alliance (INL), $15,000
9/17/18 Muhammed Dawood (Klipsch School of Electrical and Computer Engineering), "Non-Contiguous LFM Sub-Bands for SAR Applications", Sandia National Laboratories, $31,243
9/13/18 Yanyan Zhang (Civil Engineering), "Resistance and Virulence of Surviving Bacteria in Water after Various Disinfection Processes", US Department of Health & Human Services/National Institutes of Health (NIH), $143,200
9/13/18 David Voelz (Klipsch School of Electrical and Computer Engineering), "Effects of Non-Kolmogorov Turbulence and Aerosols on Long-Range, Optical Propagation through the Atmosphere", NorthWest Research Associates Inc, $88,593
9/12/18 Andreas Gross (Mechanical and Aerospace Engineerin) "Heterogeneous Computer System for Code Development, Large-Scale Simulations, and Data Post-Processing", US Army/Army Research Laboratory, $199,851
9/5/18 Abdessattar Abdelkefi (Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering) "Integration of Reduced-Order Models and Macro-Scale Continuum Approaches to More Accurately Model Brittle Damage Evaluation in Metals", New Mexico Consortium Inc., $38,005
Pei Xu (Civil Engineering) "Multifunctional Self-Sustaining Solar Photocatalytic Membrane Distillation for Wastewater Treatment and Reuse", Thomas Jefferson Fund $10,000
9/1/18 Phil King (Civil Engineering), "STEM Pathways and Research Alliances: NM AMP", National Science Foundation $500,000
9/1/18 Ehsan Dehghan Niri (Civil Engineering), "A Lizard-Inspired Tube Inspector (LTI) Robot", US Department of Energy, $400,000
9/1/18 Jesslyn Ratliff (Civil Engineering), "NMSU Student Support Services Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics and Health Sciences", US Department of Education, $242,136
9/1/18 Catherine Brewer (Chemical and Materials Engineering), "Biochar from Pallet Woody Biomass Residues for Improved Poplar Production", Oklahoma State University, $85,041
9/1/18 David Voelz (Klipsch School of Electrical and Computer Engineering), "Novel Characterization Measurements and Meterological-Driven Modeling of Turbulence and Refraction in the Lower Atmosphere for Directed Energy Applications", US Department of Defense/Office of Naval Research, $305,939
9/1/18 Jessica Houston (Chemical and Materials Engineering) "Microflow Time-Resolved Cytometry for FRET and Fluorescent Protein Development", US Department of Health & Human Services/National Institutes of Health (NIH), $276,520
8/20/18 Abdessattar Abdelkefi (Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering), "Comparative Study and LIfetime of Energy Harvesters for Various Sizes and Environmental Conditions", Los Alamos National Laboratories, $55,378
8/17/18 Abdel-Hameed Badawy (Klipsch School of Electrical and Computer Engineering), "EMU Technologies Application Porting & Benchmaking", Booz Allen Hamilton Inc., $50,000
8/15/18 Abdel-Hameed Badawy (Klipsch School of Electrical and Computer Engineering), "Performance Prediction Toolkit for GPGPUs and Shared Memory Systems", New Mexico Consortium Inc., $72,558
8/13/18 Vimal Chaitanya (Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering), "NMC/LANL/NMSU Work Collaboration Academic Year 18-19", New Mexico Consortium Inc., $36,114
8/9/18 Satishkuma Ranade (Klipsch School of Electrical and Computer Engineering), "Southwest Technology Development Institute Extreme-Distributed Storage for Photovoltaic Systems", Sandia National Laboratories $35,000
8/1/18 David Voelz (Klipsch School of Electrical and Computer Engineering), "Digital Phase-Conjungation and Holography for Volumetric Deep Turbulence Wavefront Sensing and Correction", TAU Technologies LLC, $31,213
8/1/18 Andreas Gross (Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering), "Improving the Thrust-to-Weight Ratio of a JetCat Gas Turbine Engineering", Universal Technology Corporation", $2,569
8/1/18 Paola Bandini (Civil Engineering), NSF Engineering Research Center for Bio-Mediated and Bio-Inspired Geotechnics, $527,291
7/25/18 Patricia Sullivan (Engineering College), "Providing Technical Assistance to Grocery Stores in Rural New Mexico to Reduce their Operating Costs", US Department of Agriculture $37,000
Pei Xu (Civil Engineering), "Testing and Demonstration of the Omya Advanced Remineralization Process at the Brackish Groundwater National Desalination Research Facility", OMYA Inc, $10,909
6/26/18 Russell Hardy (Carlsbad Environmental Monitoring and Resources Center), "Direct In-Vivo Radiobioassay Services for NWP", Nuclear Waste Partnership LLC, $1,175
6/15/18 Reza Foudazi (Chemical and Materials Engineering), "I CORPS: Prosthetic Sleeve Liners", National Science Foundation, $50,000
6/1/18 Russell Hardy (Carlsbad Environmental Monitoring and Resources Center), "Technical Support and Space Utilization for WIPP Laboratories", Nuclear Waste Partnership LLC, $30,745
5/30/18 Brad Weldon (Civil Engineering), "2015 Annual Inspection of Los Alamos Canyon Bridge", Los Alamos National Laboratories, $84,613
5/23/18 Phillip De Leon (Klipsch School of Electrical and Computer Engineering), "Preparing the NMSU 3D Motion Capture System for Biomechanical Data Collection", SameDay Security, Inc, $23,797
5/17/18 Russell Hardy (Carlsbad Environmental Monitoring and Resources Center), "Volatile Organic Compound and Hydrogen/Methane Analyses 2017", Nuclear Waste Partnership LLC, $40,000
5/17/18 Muhammed Dawood (Klipsch School of Electrical and Computer Engineering), "Non-Contiguous LFM Sub-Bands for SAR Applications", Sandia National Laboratories, $6,942
5/10/18 Abdessattar Abdelkefi (Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering), "Comparative Study and Lifetime of Energy Harvesters for Various Sizes and Enviromental Conditions", New Mexico Consortium Inc., $11,748
5/1/18 Craig Newtson (Civil Engineering), "LSU: Transportation Consortium of South-Central States (Tran-SET)", Louisiana State University, $26,000
4/18/18 Delia Valles-Rosales (Industrial Engineering), "PACE Summit", General Motors PACE Program, $4,500
4/15/18 Paola Bandini (Civil Engineering), "REU Site: Bio-Mediated and Bio-inspired Geotechnics", University of California, Davis, $14,894
4/11/18 Russell Hardy (Carlsbad Environmental Monitoring and Resources Center), "Technical Support and Space Utilization for WIPP Laboratories", Nuclear Waste Partnership LLC, $61,490
4/10/18 Pei Xu (Civil Engineering), "Innovative Algal/Membrane Hybrid System for Sustainable Wastewater Treatment and Potable Water Recovery", US Department of Interior/Bureau of Land Management, $399,292
4/5/18 Phillip De Leon (Klipsch School of Electrical and Computer Engineering), "Faculty Research in Signal Processing and Machine Learning", Sandia National Laboratories, $46,633
3/21/18 Russell Hardy (Carlsbad Environmental Monitoring and Resources Center), "CEMRC WIPP-EM", US Department of Energy, $1,952,638
3/7/18 Russell Hardy (Carlsbad Environmental Monitoring and Resources Center), "Volatile Organic Compound and Hydrogen/Methane Analyses 2017", Nuclear Waste Partnership LLC, $40,000
3/1/18 Jesus Sambrano (Chemical and Materials Engineering), "A High-Throughput Approach to Quantify Cellular Integrin Conformation and Cell Differentiation Using Multiharmonic, Multicolor Fluorescence Lifetime-Dependent Flow Cytometry", US Department of Health & Human Services/National Institutes of Health(NIH), $31,044
2/26/18 Hongmei Luo (Chemical and Materials Engineering), "EFRC/CASP: Semiconductor Quantum Dots", Los Alamos National Laboratories, $53,500
2/1/18 Pei Xu (Civil Engineering), "Testing and Demonstration of the Omya Advanced Remineralization Process at the Brackish Groundwater National Desalination Research Facility", OMYA Inc, $54,502
1/25/18 David Rockstraw (Chemical and Materials Engineering), "Nuclear Criticality Safety Division Pipeline", Los Alamos National Laboratories, $29,958
1/25/18 Satishkuma Ranade (Southwest Technology Development Institute), "System Long Term Exposure", Sandia National Laboratories, $6,957
1/23/18 Sukumar Brahma (Klipsch School of Electrical and Computer Engineering), "Fault Location and Protection of Grid Connected and Islanded Microgrids", Sandia National Laboratories, $94,000
1/17/18 Russell Hardy (Carlsbad Environmental Monitoring and Resources Center), "In-Vivo Radiobioassay Services", Waste Control Specialists LLC (WCS), $48,000
1/17/18 Russell Hardy (Carlsbad Environmental Monitoring and Resources Center), "Technical Support and Space Utilization for WIPP Laboratories", Nuclear Waste Partnership LLC, $30,745
1/17/18 Gabe Garcia (Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering), "Student Educational Activity-Solar Panel", Affordable Solar, $6,000
1/17/18 Gabe Garcia (Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering), "Educational Activity Agreement", Wagner Denture Group, $6,000
1/12/18 Russell Hardy (Carlsbad Environmental Monitoring and Resources Center), "Direct In-Vivo Radiobioassay Services for NWP", Nuclear Waste Partnership LLC, $5,000
1/5/18 David Jauregui (Civil Engineering), "2016 Bridge Inspection Program for New Mexico", New Mexico Department of Transportation, $45,000
1/4/18 Russell Hardy (Carlsbad Environmental Monitoring and Resources Center), "Volatile Organic Compound and Hydrogen/Methane Analyses 2017", Nuclear Waste Partnership LLC, $20,000
1/1/18 Nagamany Nirmalakhandan(Civil Engineering), "Re-Inventing America's Urban Water Infrastructure", Stanford University, $41,563
1/1/18 Abdessattar Abdelkefi (Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering), "Conceptual Design And Aerodynamic Analysis of Multi-rotor Unmanned Air Vehicles for Atmospheric Sampling", US ARMY ACC-APG RTP W911NF, $45,284
1/1/18 Abdessattar Abdelkefi (Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering), "Drag Reduction, Stability, and Optimization of Encasing Rotary Wing Drone", Emerging Technology Ventures, Inc., $71,972