Research Grants 2016

College of Engineering faculty pursue external funding of their research. Below is a list of the College's research grants and contracts for 2016.


Current Research Grants and Contracts

12/8/16 Russell Hardy (Carlsbad Environmental Monitoring and Resources Center), "Volatile Organic Compound and Hydrogen & Methane Analysis," Nuclear Waste Partnership LLC, $54,092

12/1/16 Muhammed Dawood (Klipsch School of Electrical and Computer Engineering), "Improving Situtation Awareness through Near-Field EM Spectra Measurement and Far-Field Modeling and Visualization at WSMR," US Army/Army Research Laboratory, $42,000

12/1/16 Muhammed Dawood (Klipsch School of Electrical and Computer Engineering), "Improving Situtation Awareness through Near-Field EM Spectra Measurement and Far-Field Modeling and Visualization at WSMR," US Army/Army Research Laboratory, $30,000

12/1/16 Muhammed Dawood (Klipsch School of Electrical and Computer Engineering), "Improving Situtation Awareness through Near-Field EM Spectra Measurement and Far-Field Modeling and Visualization at WSMR," US Army/Army Research Laboratory, $25,418

11/30/16 Craig Newtson (Civil Engineering), "LSU: Transportation Consortium of South-Central States (Tran-SET)," Louisiana State University, $80

11/30/16 Craig Newtson (Civil Engineering), "LSU: Transportation Consortium of South-Central States (Tran-SET)," Louisiana State University, $11,187

11/21/16 Young Park (Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering), "Capstone Project: Tube Cut and Release Mechanism," Los Alamos National Security, LLC, $2,000

11/17/16 Russell Hardy (Carlsbad Environmental Monitoring and Resources Center), "Volatile Organic Compound and Hydrogen & Methane Analysis," Nuclear Waste Partnership LLC, $2,000

11/14/16 Jessica Houston (Chemical and Materials Engineering), "IFSEEN - Integrating Food Science/Engineering and Education Network: A Partnership to Integrate Efforts and Collaboration to Shape Tomorrow’s Food Safety/Science Leaders," University of Texas - Pan American, $299,998

11/14/16 Jessica Houston (Chemical and Materials Engineering), "IFSEEN - Integrating Food Science/Engineering and Education Network: A Partnership to Integrate Efforts and Collaboration to Shape Tomorrow’s Food Safety/Science Leaders," University of Texas - Pan American, $500,000

11/14/16 Jessica Houston (Chemical and Materials Engineering), "IFSEEN - Integrating Food Science/Engineering and Education Network: A Partnership to Integrate Efforts and Collaboration to Shape Tomorrow’s Food Safety/Science Leaders," University of Texas - Pan American, $720,188

11/7/16 Russell Hardy (Carlsbad Environmental Monitoring and Resources Center), "Volatile Organic Compound and Hydrogen & Methane Analysis," Nuclear Waste Partnership LLC, $29,008

11/3/16 Russell Hardy (Carlsbad Environmental Monitoring and Resources Center), "Direct In-Vivo Radiobioassay Services for NWP," Nuclear Waste Partnership LLC, $49,992

10/13/16 Nadipuram Prasad (Klipsch School of Electrical and Computer Engineering), "VEF Visiting Scholar Program," Vietnam Education Foundation, $149,998

10/7/16 Brad Weldon (Civil Engineering), "Transportation Fellowship Program Weldon - Regalado," Federal Highway Administration, -$10,817

10/7/16 David Jauregui (Civil Engineering), "Transportation Fellowship Program Jauregui - Cuaron," Federal Highway Administration, $31,358

10/1/16 Russell Hardy (Carlsbad Environmental Monitoring and Resources Center), "CEMRC WIPP-EM," Department of Energy, $10,000

10/1/16 Russell Hardy (Carlsbad Environmental Monitoring and Resources Center), "CEMRC WIPP-EM," Department of Energy, $7,500

10/1/16 Jessica Houston (Chemical and Materials Engineering), "Research Initiation: Exploring the Role of Innovation and Social Self-Efficacy within a Diverse Engineering Ecosystem at New Mexico State University's College of Engineering," National Science Foundation, $44,344

10/1/16 Paul Andersen (Chemical and Materials Engineering), "FY 2016 and FY 2017 Pollution Prevention Grant Program," Environmental Protection Agency, -$19,036

10/1/16 Paul Andersen (Chemical and Materials Engineering), "FY 2016 and FY 2017 Pollution Prevention Grant Program," Environmental Protection Agency, $5,000

10/1/16 Steven Stochaj (Klipsch School of Electrical and Computer Engineering), "NSF INCLUDES: Enhancing the New Mexico STEM Pipeline- Design and Development Launch Pilot," National Science Foundation, $7,500

9/30/16 Russell Hardy (Carlsbad Environmental Monitoring and Resources Center), "Volatile Organic Compound and Hydrogen & Methane Analysis," Nuclear Waste Partnership LLC, $434,111

9/30/16 Peter Martin (Civil Engineering), "New Mexico Statewide Travel Demand Model Evaluation," New Mexico Department of Transportation, $133,000

9/29/16 Brad Weldon (Civil Engineering), "Transportation Fellowship Program Weldon - Lane," Federal Highway Administration, $57,985

9/29/16 Brad Weldon (Civil Engineering), "Transporation Fellowship Program Weldon - Diaz," Federal Highway Administration, $299,942

9/29/16 Brad Weldon (Civil Engineering), "Transportation Fellowship Program Weldon - Manning," Federal Highway Administration, $70,000

9/29/16 Craig Newtson (Civil Engineering), "Transportation Fellowship Program Newtson - Rodriquez," Federal Highway Administration, $115,880

9/26/16 Daniel Howard (Engineering College), "NM AMP (Senior Alliance)," National Science Foundation, $3,386

9/26/16 Daniel Howard (Engineering College), "NM AMP (Senior Alliance)," National Science Foundation, -$12,000

9/26/16 Daniel Howard (Engineering College), "NM AMP (Senior Alliance)," National Science Foundation, $5,400

9/21/16 Krishna Murty Kota Venkata (Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering), "Omniphilc Surfaces for Enhanced Flow Boiling," Science Research Lab, Inc, $33,576

9/15/16 Muhammed Dawood (Klipsch School of Electrical and Computer Engineering), "Exploring the Relationships Among Metacognition Based Study Practices, Student Learning, and Retention in an Undergraduate Engineering Program," National Science Foundation, $149,995

9/13/16 Russell Hardy (Carlsbad Environmental Monitoring and Resources Center), "Direct In-Vivo Radiobioassay Services for NWP," Nuclear Waste Partnership LLC, $10,000

9/13/16 Charalambos Papelis (Civil Engineering), "IDEALS AGEISS Army Mentor Protege Program," AGEISS, $226,600

9/10/16 Russell Hardy (Carlsbad Environmental Monitoring and Resources Center), "Direct In-Vivo Radiobioassay Services for NWP," Nuclear Waste Partnership LLC, $35,000

9/2/16 David Jauregui (Civil Engineering), "2015 Annual Inspection of Los Alamos Canyon Bridge," Los Alamos National Security, LLC, $35,000

9/1/16 Catherine Brewer (Chemical and Materials Engineering), "Biochar from Excelsior Woody Biomass Residues for Improved Poplar Production," Oklahoma State University, $31,700

9/1/16 Jesus Sambrano (Chemical and Materials Engineering), "A High-Throughput Approach to Quantify Cellular Integrin Conformation and Cell Differentiation Using Multiharmonic, Multicolor Fluorescence Lifetime-Dependent Flow Cytometry," US Department of Health & Human Services/National Institutes of Health(NIH), $34,203.75

9/1/16 Jocelyn White (Civil Engineering), "NMSU Student Support Services Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics and Health Sciences ," US Department of Education, -$11,612

9/1/16 Delia Valles-Rosales (Industrial Engineering), "Collaborative Integration of USDA-Research in the Advanced Teaching Laboratories of STEAM to Accelerate Time-Critical Research and Develop Students’ Professional Skills and Competitiveness in STEAM," University of Texas at El Paso, $58,000

9/1/16 Delia Valles-Rosales (Industrial Engineering), "Collaborative Integration of USDA-Research in the Advanced Teaching Laboratories of STEAM to Accelerate Time-Critical Research and Develop Students’ Professional Skills and Competitiveness in STEAM," University of Texas at El Paso, -$30,000

9/1/16 Andreas Gross (Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering), "Investigation of 3D Shock-Boundary Layer Interaction: A Combined Approach Using Experiments, Numerical Simulations and Stability Analysis ," University of Arizona, $50,000

8/22/16 Nadipuram Prasad (Klipsch School of Electrical and Computer Engineering), "VEF Visiting Scholar Program," Vietnam Education Foundation, $22,200

8/17/16 Mingjun Wei (Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering), "Comprehensive Reduced-Order Modeling and Validation for Loads and Flight Stability of a Flapping Wing," BAE Systems, $373,132

8/11/16 Russell Hardy (Carlsbad Environmental Monitoring and Resources Center), "Direct In-Vivo Radiobioassay Services for NWP," Nuclear Waste Partnership LLC, $436,000

8/10/16 Catherine Brewer (Chemical and Materials Engineering), "Adsorption of NDMA on Carbons," NASA/Johnson Space Center/White Sands Test Facility, $40,443

8/10/16 Catherine Brewer (Chemical and Materials Engineering), "Adsorption of NDMA on Carbons," NASA/Johnson Space Center/White Sands Test Facility, $40,000

8/1/16 Russell Hardy (Carlsbad Environmental Monitoring and Resources Center), "Sandia National Labs Gas Analysis," Sandia National Laboratories, $75,255

8/1/16 Paola Bandini (Civil Engineering), "NSF Engineering Research Center for Bio-Mediated and Bio-Inspired Geotechnics," Arizona State University, $40,000

8/1/16 Paola Bandini (Civil Engineering), "NSF Engineering Research Center for Bio-Mediated and Bio-Inspired Geotechnics," Arizona State University, $75,000

8/1/16 Paola Bandini (Civil Engineering), "NSF Engineering Research Center for Bio-Mediated and Bio-Inspired Geotechnics," Arizona State University, $10,000

8/1/16 Paola Bandini (Civil Engineering), "NSF Engineering Research Center for Bio-Mediated and Bio-Inspired Geotechnics," Arizona State University, $10,000

8/1/16 Paola Bandini (Civil Engineering), "NSF Engineering Research Center for Bio-Mediated and Bio-Inspired Geotechnics," Arizona State University, $10,000

8/1/16 Paola Bandini (Civil Engineering), "NSF Engineering Research Center for Bio-Mediated and Bio-Inspired Geotechnics," Arizona State University, $10,000

8/1/16 Paola Bandini (Civil Engineering), "NSF Engineering Research Center for Bio-Mediated and Bio-Inspired Geotechnics," Arizona State University, $10,000

8/1/16 Paola Bandini (Civil Engineering), "NSF Engineering Research Center for Bio-Mediated and Bio-Inspired Geotechnics," Arizona State University, $10,000

8/1/16 Krishna Murty Kota Venkata (Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering), "Mechanistic Numerical Modeling of Flow Boiling in the Cold Plate with Ultraomniphilic Surfaces," Roccor Inc, $1,770

7/7/16 Andreas Gross (Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering), "A Local Analysis of the Fluid Dynamics and Flow Physics of Dynamic Stall on Helicopters," US Army/Army Research Office, $25,000

7/5/16 Delia Valles-Rosales (Industrial Engineering), "WHEELS OF CHANGE: A Consortium to Develop Champions in Agriculture in the Areas of Sustainable Energy and Natural Resource Management ," University of Texas at El Paso, $120,000

7/1/16 Russell Hardy (Carlsbad Environmental Monitoring and Resources Center), "Volatile Organic Compound and Hydrogen & Methane Analysis," Nuclear Waste Partnership LLC, $30,000

7/1/16 Russell Hardy (Carlsbad Environmental Monitoring and Resources Center), "Direct In-Vivo Radiobioassay Services for NWP," Nuclear Waste Partnership LLC, $27,775

7/1/16 Russell Hardy (Carlsbad Environmental Monitoring and Resources Center), "Direct In-Vivo Radiobioassay Services for NWP," Nuclear Waste Partnership LLC, -$375

7/1/16 Paola Bandini (Civil Engineering), "Increasing the Success of STEM Students," National Science Foundation, $400,000.58

7/1/16 Paola Bandini (Civil Engineering), "Increasing the Success of STEM Students," National Science Foundation, $600,000

7/1/16 Lakshmi Reddi (Engineering College), "A New Collaborative Effort for Biomimetic-Based Research on Thermoregulatory Behavior of Stabilized Soils," National Science Foundation, $13,354.04