Successful Training and Effective Pipelines to National Labs

10346000012375232.jpgNational laboratories across the U.S. plan to hire hundreds of people per year for the next five years. The STEP2NL Consortium is designed to support and connect various populations with national lab career pathways by delivering focused skills development, career guidance, mentorship, and internship opportunities. Some specific objectives include:


  1. Summer bridge program for pre-college students entering community colleges and 4-year universities (focused on math skills and introduction to cybersecurity);
  2. Partial tuition and fee waiver and $500 stipend allocation;
  3. Specialized enrichment opportunities including career development workshops and field trips to local universities and national laboratories;
  4. Guided preparation for internships, full-time, and part-time opportunities with national laboratories.
  5. Implementation of STEM Core—a program that includes accelerated and contextualized math, engineering, computer science/cybersecurity;
  6. Extensive student support that provides introductory technical and essential soft skills development;
  7. Paid internships at DOE/NNSA labs and other industry employers; and
  8. Continuation of Associate and Bachelor’s degree pathways.


To express your interest, submit the STEP2NL Interest Form:

Interest Form


NOTICE (applicable Spring-Fall 2022)

Sandia National Laboratories

View a recorded information session regarding internship opportunities with Sandia National Laboratories: Information Session



For more information about STEP2NL, contact Madi Burns at, 575-646-2510.