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AFRL Laser Division Chief Imelda Atencio to give 49th College of Engineering Bromilow Lecture


NMSU alumna and Air Force Research Laboratory laser division chief Dr. Imelda J. Atencio will be the featured speaker at the 49th College of Engineering Bromilow lecture. The lecture will be held Friday, February 21, from 4-5 pm in Jett Hall, Room 259. The lecture is free and open to all.

Atencio has been employed as an optical engineer at the Air Force Research Laboratory since 1987, where she has held multiple research positions focused on imaging, optical design, adaptive optics and optical communications. She spent 19 years of her career at the Starfire Optical Range, a large telescope facility known for world-class research in adaptive optics. After a career broadening assignment in the Technology Outreach Branch, she moved into management and is currently the laser division chief in the Directed Energy Directorate, leading a team of over 200 military, civilian and contractor personnel, conducting research in advanced laser technologies.

Atencio received a bachelor of science in electrical engineering with an emphasis in electro-optics in 1986 from NMSU, MS and PhD in optical sciences in 1993 and 2003 respectively from the University of Arizona in Tucson, AZ.