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News from Infrastructure and Partnerships: Ultrahigh-Resolution Electron Microscopy Arrives at NMSU


This week New Mexico State University research is celebrating a significant scientific milestone with the commissioning of an ultrahigh-resolution field emission scanning electron microscope in the Microscopic Imaging Core Suite (MICS). This cutting-edge instrument was secured through an NSF Major Research Instrumentation proposal led by the Research Cores Program and formulated in response to requests expressed by some of our university’s most prolific researchers. It was my privilege to lead this proposal, which was a simple matter of compiling a statement of our faculty's exceptional vision and research capacity, particularly that of co-PIs Drs. Meng Zhou (Chemical and Materials Engineering), Samuel Belteton (RCP, MICS), Vimal Chaitanya (Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering), Sara Fuentes-Soriano (Animal and Range Sciences), and Erik Yukl (Chemistry and Biochemistry). We will be hosting extensive training and workshops this fall, please stay tuned for those announcements. Faculty that are interested in learning more and scheduling training sessions should contact MICS director Dr. Samuel Belteton at