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NMSU named among 2022 Fulbright HSI leaders


For the first time, New Mexico State University has been named in the United States Department of State’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs list of Fulbright HSI Leaders. The announcement was made during the Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities annual conference in San Diego Monday.

The designation recognizes noteworthy engagement that selected HSIs have achieved with the Fulbright Program, the U.S. government’s flagship international educational exchange program.

NMSU is among 43 HSIs named on the list due to the university’s noteworthy engagement with Fulbright exchange participants during the 2021-22 academic year, and have promoted Fulbright Program opportunities on campus.

NMSU’s William Conroy Honors College is home to the Fellowships Office, which guides students through the process of applying for the Fulbright Program, among other prestigious fellowships and scholarships.

The office’s director, Andrea Orzoff, has been both the faculty Fulbright liaison and student Fulbright Program adviser for several years. She has organized spring Fulbright Weeks, held information and orientation sessions, and has coached both faculty and students through the application process.

“It’s incredibly gratifying to see the Fulbright Program recognize this work,” Orzoff said. “I’m proud of our students and faculty, and their dedication to the Fulbright mission. I’m also glad to be able to contribute to NMSU’s ongoing efforts at internationalization, and our global presence.”

Honors College Dean Phame Camarena said the designation recognizes the excellence of both NMSU students and the Fellowships Office.

“We absolutely believe that NMSU students can be ‘world change agents,’ and this designation is a reflection of their potential and the hard work being done by the Fellowships Office to ensure that our students are prepared to change the world for good through Fulbright and related programs,” Camarena said.

Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Academic Programs Ethan Rosenzweig noted the strong relationship between HSIs and the Fulbright Program. He thanked HSI leaders for their collaboration and for recognizing the value of the Fulbright Program in deepening campus internationalization efforts; and he recognized Fulbright campus liaisons and advisers for recruiting and advising applicants.

He also commended current Fulbright participants and alumni from and hosted by HSIs for sharing “their expertise, experience, perspective, and enthusiasm with their institutions, their communities, and their societies.” 

Since its inception more than 75 years ago, the Fulbright Program has given more than 400,000 talented and accomplished students, scholars, teachers, artists and professionals of all backgrounds and fields the opportunity to study, teach and conduct research abroad, exchanging ideas, and contributing to finding solutions to complex international challenges.

Each year, the U.S. Congress appropriates funds to the U.S. Department of State to sponsor the Fulbright Program. Many foreign governments contribute substantially as well. Additional funding and in-kind funding is provided by U.S. and foreign host institutions, non-governmental organizations, private organizations, corporate partnerships and individual donors.

For more information about the NMSU Fellowships Office, visit or email Orzoff at For more information on the Fulbright Program, visit