Aggie Ingeniero, March 2019




NMSU Family of Engineering

We celebrate family reunions in the College of Engineering two times a year: during National Engineers Week (E-Week) in the spring and Homecoming Week in the fall. In February was E-Week, and we had the pleasure of having our Advisory Council meetings on campus and spending some time with our alumni. About 20 dignitaries came from out of town to be with us, and to contribute to the collective decisions on the direction and strategies of the college. This year’s meetings were special for me. We met in the new Eloy Torrez Family Learning Communities in Engineers and Chancellor Arvizu joined us to celebrate with a ribbon-cutting ceremony. Approximately 10 donors among our visiting alumni and advisory council members contributed toward the completion of this beautiful facility. Students, faculty, staff, administration, and alumni gathered as an extended family of NMSU engineering in celebration of a place entirely dedicated to student success. Another highlight of the week were the 44th Bromilow Lecture, “Engineering Education: A Story of fairness and Empowerment,” delivered by Dr. Allyson Yarbrough, one of our accomplished alums. we capped the week off with our annual awards banquet to celebrate the outstanding achievements of our faculty and staff who contribute so much to the success of the College of Engineering. We may gather as the larger College of Engineering family only twice a year, but there is cause for gratefulness and pride every day of the year.


Lakshmi N. Reddi
Dean, College of Engineering

2019 College of Engineering Faculty and Staff Awards

Award Recipients

Dr. Wei Tang, Associate Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering: Synergy Teaching-Research-Service 1.jpg
Dr. Nagamany Nirmalakhandan, Professor, Civil Engineering: Synergy Faculty Leadership



Dr. Gabe Garcia, Assistant Dean of Student Success: Synergy One-College Faculty


Gloria Jacquez, Program Coordinator, Office of Engineering Research: Synergy Staff Leadership




Linda Fresques, College Chief of Staff, Dean’s Office: Synergy One-College Staff



John Ross Tapia, Assistant Professor, Engineering Technology and Surveying Engineering: Foreman Faculty Excellence




Gabriela Cisneros, Associate Research Engineer, Office of Engineering Research: Foreman Staff Excellence


Dr. Jessica Houston, Associate Professor, Chemical and Materials Engineering: Frank Bromilow Engineering Research Excellence




Carol Dyer, Chemical and Materials Engineering: Frank Bromilow Engineering Staff Excellence


Career Achievement

Dr. Russell Hardy, Director, Carlsbad Environmental Monitoring and Research Center CA1.jpg
Dr. Sonya Cooper, Interim Dean, College of Health and Social Services, former Associate Dean, College of Engineering CA2.jpg

New Professorships

Dr. Lambis Papelis, Civil Engineering: John Clark Distinguished Professorship in Civil Engineering NP1.jpg
Dr. David Jáuregui (renewal), Civil Engineering: Ed Foreman Endowed Professorship for Excellence in Civil Engineering NP2.jpg
Dr.Catherine Brewer, Assistant Professor, Chemical and Materials Engineering: John Nakayama and Tome Nakayama Professorship for Research and Teaching Excellence NP3.jpg
Dr. Paul Furth, Associate Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering: John Nakayama and Tome Nakayama Professorship for Research and Teaching Excellence NP4.jpg
Dr. Young Ho Park, Associate Professor, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering: John Nakayama and Tome Nakayama Professorship for Research and Teaching Excellence NP5.jpg
Pei Xu, Associate Professor, Civil Engineering: PESCO Endowed Professorship in Industrial Water Quality and Reclamation Research NP6.jpg

NMSU  Accolades

Dr. Catherine Brewer, Chemical and Materials Engineering: Donald C. Roush Award

Dr. Catherine Brewer, Chemical and Materials Engineering: Patricia Christmore Faculty Teaching Award

Dr. David Mitchell, Electrical and Computer Engineering: Research Council Award for Exceptional Achievements in Creative Scholarly Activity NMSU-A-2.jpg

2018 Top New Grant Recipients (more than $200K)

Dr. Sonya Cooper, College of Health and Social Services, previously College of Engineering: National Science Foundation—$2,633,530 CA2.jpg

Dr. Laura Boucheron Spence and
Dr. Steven Stochaj, Electrical and Computer
Engineering: US Army Research Office—$1,199,302


Dr. Ehsan Dehghan Niri, Civil Engineering, US Department of Energy—$400,000 Energy-grant-Ehsan_Niri-300x221.jpg
Dr. Pei Xu, Civil Engineering: US Department of Interior, BLM—$399,292 2018-3.jpg
Dr. Jessica Houston, Chemical and Materials Engineering: US Department of Health and Human Services, National Institutes of Health—$276,520 2018-4.jpg