Aggie Ingeniero, December 2018




With our focus on increasing master’s-level students and establishing collaborations with key engineering colleges in South India, I have completed my week-long trip to Vijayawada, the new Capital City of Andhra Pradesh. Thanks to Dr. Kumar, our liaison and coordinator for Indian universities, NMSU engineering gained quite a bit of newspaper and TV coverage. Our signing of Memoranda of Understanding with eight colleges was televised to an audience of approximately 18 million people. All major Telugu (local language) newspapers and one national English (Hindu) newspaper covered the unique strengths and opportunities available at NMSU. In a 14-minute television interview, I was able to address Indian students and their parents about the degree and research programs available at NMSU and about their uniqueness and relevance to Indian students. I was accompanied by Dean Rolando Flores, College of Agriculture, Consumer and Environmental Sciences, and by Luis Cifuentes, vice president of research and graduate school dean, who focused on agricultural and other research collaboration opportunities.


Lakshmi N. Reddi
Dean, College of Engineering


Civil engineer to evaluate effectiveness of water disinfection treatments

WRITER: Linda Fresques

As in other arid and semiarid parts of the world, water is a precious commodity in the southwestern United States. New Mexico State University civil engineering Assistant Professor Yanyan Zhang is working to evaluate if commonly used disinfection processes are effective in keeping the water supply pathogen-free and safe. Zhang recently received a three-year National Institutes of Health grant for this purpose…Read More>> 


College of Engineering Launches Ron Seidel Engineering Leadership Institute

WRITER: Linda Fresques

Engineering today is a team-based, multidisciplinary endeavor that requires skills beyond technical abilities, but also the ability to work with different people, communicate effectively and develop entrepreneurial skills. New Mexico State University’s College of Engineering will help students develop those essential “soft skills” with the launch of the Ron Seidel Engineering Leadership Institute…Read More>>


Music, engineering an unlikely duo for NMSU Pride Marching band members

WRITER: Tiffany Acosta

It’s an average week for New Mexico State University’s Pride of New Mexico Marching Band members as they learn “Hips don’t lie” by Shakira for a medley during a halftime show at Aggie football games. What might be surprising is the number of engineering majors in the ensemble – 27 members…Read More>>


NMSU to award more than 1,200 bachelor’s, advanced degrees during fall commencement

WRITER: Melissa R. Rutter

More than 1,200 New Mexico State University students are projected to participate in the fall commencement ceremony. Commencement weekend will begin the evening of Friday, Dec. 7, with a hooding ceremony for doctoral candidates at the Pan American Center at 6 p.m. Following that, students receiving their bachelor’s and master’s degrees…Read More>>


Space Grant Consortium awards fellowships, scholarships to NMSU students

WRITER: Paulo Oemig

On November 28, 2018, New Mexico Space Grant Consortium at New Mexico State University awarded four College of Engineering students with Undergraduate Research Scholarships or Graduate Research Fellowships for the spring 2019 and fall 2019 semesters. Ten College of Arts and Sciences also received awards. Students in the College of Engineering include:…Read More>>

Aggies Without Limits raising money

Need some cleaning? Christmas guests coming? Leaves filling your yard? Have to switch that swamp cooler over? Graduating student needing to move that big couch out? Need to pick up all those pecans?

Consider hiring students from Aggies Without Limits to make life better. We call it the chain gang. Cost is $10 per student per hour, and we do the messy work for you. Contact Molly Williams or Josh Barrera at 575-646-5499 or email We have lots of good reviews and lots of good references. For small jobs, we can send one or two students. For big jobs, we can send up to 20. Even if you don’t need any extra help, spread the word. We work as far south as El Paso, as far west as Deming, as far east as Ruidoso/Cloudcroft and as far north as Truth or Consequences.

One hundred percent of the funds collected go toward the summer 2019 project of construction of a potable water system in a west central Guatemala village with 350 residents. A total of 40 NMSU students will be traveling to work on the project.

For more information, visit