Aggie Ingeniero, December 2017




In preparation for our accreditation visits in 2018, our departments are actively compiling their periodic assessment data.  These self-assessments are moments of opportunity to examine the relevance of our programs in terms of their ability to address regional workforce needs and the evolving engineering landscape. NMSU, like most other engineering colleges in the U.S., uses traditional nomenclature to characterize its programs, for example civil, mechanical and electrical engineering, etc. This time-tested nomenclature serves most practical purposes; however, it fails to make visible research and teaching activities at the interfaces of these departments conducted by faculty clusters sharing common interests.  Examples are advanced manufacturing, software engineering, energy engineering, aerospace engineering, water resources, etc.  We have just begun a concerted set of efforts to delineate our strengths not readily visible through the names of our departments.  Our goal, through these efforts, is to bring enhanced visibility to these programs and to identify the possibility of making faculty appointments in multiple departments through affiliated or joint faculty status.  I look forward to sharing our progress on these efforts in a subsequent newsletter. 

Lakshmi N. Reddi
Dean, College of Engineering





NMSU engineer works to make next-generation mobile technology a reality

The number of wireless devices connected to mobile networks is estimated to be three times the size of the global population by the year 2020. Smartphone traffic will exceed PC traffic. Global Internet traffic in 2020 is anticipated to be 95 times the volume of the entire global Internet in 2005. Some 250 million vehicles will be connected to the Internet and there will be 27 billion machines communicating with one another…Read More>>





NMSU engineering alumnus Richard Leza creates scholarship to propel students to graduate

WRITER: Tiffany Acosta

A new $290,000 endowed scholarship equipped to help New Mexico State University College of Engineering students in financial need stems from a resilient story of an NMSU alumnus…Read More>>








NMSU gift supports first chemical, materials engineering Endowed Chair to recruit top teaching talent

Two new investments in the College of Engineering will support an endowed chair for its fast-growing program, the Department of Chemical and Materials Engineering...Read More>>






NMSU receives NSF cyber infrastructure award to train local high school students

New Mexico State University is one of only 12 universities in the country to receive a cyber infrastructure training grant from the National Science Foundation. The award, worth more than $460,000, will help local high school students gain experience on how information technology is integrated into various disciplines to help them be better informed and skilled when they choose a career…Read More>>





Third-annual Giving Tuesday brings in more than $1.8 million to the NMSU system

Gifts were continuing to be counted Tuesday evening at the New Mexico State University system’s Giving Tuesday headquarters in Corbett Center Student Union’s Aggie Lounge, but at the 5 p.m. wrap-up celebration, NMSU had already brought in more than $1.8 million in gifts from more than 1,300 donors to scholarships and programs benefitting students at campuses throughout the state...Read More>>




NMSU Career Services accepting employers for 13th annual career fair

WRITER: Tiffany Acosta

Employers interested in attending the 13th annual Career Connections Fair Jan. 30-31 at New Mexico State University can register with NMSU’s Career Services. The two-day event will be held from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. in Corbett Center Student Union third floor ballrooms.

On Jan. 30, Career Connections will focus on majors in the colleges of Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences, Arts and Sciences, Business, Education (non-teaching) and Health and Social Services. The College of Engineering is co-sponsoring the event on Jan. 31, which will highlight majors in computer science, engineering, life/physical sciences, mathematics and technology. Career Connections is free and open to NMSU students, and alumni.